We seek to serve our brothers and sisters by assisting them to enter into a closer relationship with their Creator. Everyone is invited to participate in one or more of these ministries after prayer and careful discernment. Through various ministries the Eucharist is more easily recognized as the source and summit of what we do.

To participate in or inquire about any ministry, just fill out the form below and someone from the office or the ministry will contact you. Or you can contact the church office at office@stthomaselkhart.com or (574)262-1505.

St. Thomas Ministries

34 Questions

Use this form to explore the different ministries that we offer here at St. Thomas and to sign up. If you are interested in participating in or learning more about a certain ministry, just select that ministry, and you will be contacted by the church office or a representative of that ministry.

Volunteers work in groups to clean the sanctuary and sacristy each week. You will be assigned a group that will come normally on a Friday morning to clean the assigned areas. You will volunteer once every few weeks.

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Volunteers take altar linens home, launder them according to proper procedure, iron them and then return them to the sacristy twice a week during their assigned month. You will be assigned one month a year to take care of the linens and will receive full training from our sacristan.

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Assist with setting up before weekend liturgies. You will come to church one half hour before Mass begins to set up. Depending on the Mass and how many other volunteers there are, you could assist every week or alternate with others. You would receive training from our sacristan.

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Arrive 20-30 minutes before Mass to welcome worshippers before the Eucharistic celebration, seat & assist those in need, gather the collection, assist with the procession of the gifts & Communion procession, and distribute bulletins.

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Volunteers age 16 and older have the privilege of sharing God's Word in a clear and dignified manner. Initial training and yearly training required. You will be scheduled every few weeks.

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The privilege and honor to communicate the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ to the faithful at Mass.

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The privilege and honor to communicate the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ to the homebound.

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Volunteers devote one hour a week in quiet prayer, reflection and adoration of Our Lord in the adoration chapel during open hours (Monday - Thursday 2pm to 9pm, Friday 2pm to 7pm).

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Adult volunteers/leaders needed. Youth group serves students grades 9 through 12. The Group meets most Sundays after the 6pm Mass to grow in spirituality, knowledge & service.

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Altar & Rosary Society is not currently meeting due to lack of leadership. If you would be interested in leading this group of women with special devotion to the Blessed Mother, please sign up or inquire for more information!

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RCIA is the process by which individuals come into full communion with the church by receiving their sacraments. Classes meet Tuesday evenings 6:30pm to 8:00pm. We need sponsor who will attend weekly classes with the catechumens and candidates. We also need volunteers to bring meals once per year.

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I want to sign up to help with a meal, contact me!
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Volunteers prepare dishes and/or give their time to serve at funeral lunches

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Volunteers pray for requested needs & pass on prayer requests to other chain members.

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Help other volunteers in decorating the sanctuary for liturgical and seasonal changes throughout the year.

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Meets the 3rd Saturday each month at 8:45am in Elliott Hall to discuss topical issues and bond through faith.

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This group is responsible for bringing new programming to St. Thomas. We plan bible studies, faith sharing groups, social activities, and other faith based enrichment gatherings. We seek to get parishioners more fully involved and invested in their faith. We meet as needed to plan events. Some members plan events on their own time and simply check in with the committee when needed. If you are interested in helping to build the offerings for spiritual growth, please consider NGP!

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Our music program is always looking for new volunteers. Options: Adult choir - Sundays at 10:30am Mass, practice is before Mass. Cantors - Vocalists who assist the choir or lead the singing at Mass. Saturday 4:30pm - practice before Mass, volunteers include cantors & musical instruments. Sunday 6:00pm Mass - Practice is before Mass. Schola Cantorum - Men's choir focused on Gregorian Chant.

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Instructors teach the students about Jesus and invite the students into a closer relationship with him. Instructors also assist with sacramental preparation. Sunday mornings from 9:15am to 10:15am. Preparation for the lessons requires at least 2 hours during the week prior on your own time.

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Stuffing and sealing large mailings is much easier with many hands! If you are available during office hours to come assist office staff in stuff and sealing large mailings, please sign up. We usually have need once or twice a year.

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Count the weekend collections with a team of other volunteers on Monday mornings.

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Offers spiritual and emotional support to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

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Adult volunteers plan and lead meetings and supervise student participants. Most groups meet weekly, some just during the school year.

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I want to sign up to help with Girl Scouts, contact me!
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Gather together with other adult singles as a group - meant to bring single Catholics together in a Christian, Social environment. Meet once a month for lunch.

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Fundraise and perform activities with the purpose of defending life from the moment of fertilization to natural death as well as walking with individuals who have been wounded by abortion

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Experienced nurses within the community use their nursing and spiritual commitment in a healing ministry within the parish

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Volunteers make shawls for the homebound and those in nursing homes or who are ailing.

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An idependent, volunteer organization focused on providing for those within the community who are in need. Operates a food pantry an Tuesday afternoons at St. Vincent de Paul Church.

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Volunteers coordinate and orchestrate the parish picnic in the summer with help from other St. Thomas ministries

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Volunteers coordinate and orchestrate the Advent Wreath Making Session in late November or early December.

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A Catholic-based Fraternal Organization engaged in charity. Meet monthly on Wednesday evenings at either St. Thomas or St. Vincent Churches.

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Gather as a group the 2nd Tuesday of the month most months of the year to make rosaries.

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