Laurie Hund-Schieber, RN MSN

Health affects all aspects of an individual’s being - physical, psychological, spiritual and social. The Nurses of Faith use their nursing and spiritual commitment to assist individuals and groups to meet their needs for holistic health-mind, body and spirit. The nurse serves as a resource person, a health educator, a personal health counselor, a community liaison and a role model for the relationship between one’s faith and health.

At St. Thomas the Apostle, the Nurses of Faith ministry conducts monthly blood pressure screenings after each Mass, sponsors a yearly blood drive, publishes health articles in the church bulletin, maintains the first aid supplies, and provides health and safety lessons to the youth group, ushers, and interested parishioners.

The Prayer Shawl ministry is another dimension of the Nurses of Faith. Blankets and shawls are made with prayers by the members and once blessed by the priest, are delivered to parishioners who are homebound or in nursing facilities.

To assist with the mission of the Nurses of Faith, please contact the coordinator for this ministry.